4 Main Industries in Turkey

3 min readJan 21, 2021


Photo by Rob Lambert on Unsplash

The government has paid special attention to the industries in Turkey; by encouraging and supporting them until Turkey achieved in a short time advanced ranks in various industrial fields. The Turkish economy depends on several advanced economic sectors; the Industrial sector is one of them as Turkey has made tremendous progress at the industrial and technical levels.

Among the most important Turkish industries are the following

1-Car Industry in Turkey

Turkey entered the car manufacturing market nearly six decades ago. and in a quick period; Turkey shifted from partnering with international companies and assembling parts and parts of cars; to the full manufacturing stage, with Turkish cars that are famous by quality and professionalism in design, huge production, addition to compatibility.

With international standards of quality and safety, the Turkish automobile industry today has become a competitive industry.

  • The auto industry provides job opportunities for about 400,000 people in Turkey.
  • Turkey’s auto export products equal to 16% of the country’s total exports.

2-Shipbuilding in Turkey

Turkey has greatly advanced the issue of maritime transport industries. It has reached distinguished ranks in this aspect; which made it one of the most important industries in Turkey. And through it; it created many new job opportunities.

The fields of work in the maritime industry in Turkey vary between; local production services, maintenance, as well as parts and parts industries (sub-industries), and boat recycling and recycling. Turkish officials also mention in this aspect that they have future plans for the advancement of this important industrial sector.

Recently, the number of shipyards in Turkey has more than doubled, reaching about 79 manufacturing yards.

Turkish industries of large boats ranks third in this field in the World, and it is mentioned that such Turkish industries can be operated in various important fields such as internal maritime transport and tourism transport by sea.

Turkey’s increased interest in exporting Turkish industries from boats and ships to new countries, as it seeks to enter the markets of the Middle East, the Balkans and more European countries.

3-Military Industries in Turkey

Turkish officials have confirmed more than once that they intend to achieve complete sufficiency in defence industry products within the vision of 2023, and it is expected that by the year 2023 it will have refrained from importing defence products, and this is a major challenge facing the industry in Turkey in the military and defence field. A great way forward.

According to official Turkish statistics, the country’s productive strength for the industries in Turkey in the defence and war field has exceeded 8 billion US dollars, and more than 1,5 billion US dollars are allocated annually from the state budget for scientific and technical research.

It is noteworthy that the number of Turkish military industrial projects has doubled nearly 14 times from 2002 until 2020.

On the other hand, three of the companies operating in the industry in Turkey in the military field, namely: Rokistan, TAI, and Aseel San have occupied advanced positions among the 100 largest global companies for military industries.

4-Steel and Iron Industries in Turkey

Turkey’s steel & iron industries continue to rise significantly, especially as it is an exporter of these industries.

Turkey only exported in the first half of 2020 about 97 million tons of iron and raw and manufactured steel; which is a staggering increase during a record period of time, and in 2013 the total steel production was 29 million tons.

Turkey ranks eighth in the world among the countries that manufacture and export iron and steel.

One of the iron factories in Turkey, the “modern steel factory” in Karabuk State, exports iron to about 20 foreign countries annually; and only 30% of its production is within the Turkish market, while the remaining percentage is all exported abroad.




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